All posts by Keith Garner

Photo 100: The world is moving around me.

This was my experiment at doing a panning shot. It was way to bright to really pull it off, but I like how Dinah in the swing is appearing stationary while the world is moving around here.  Even in though I couldn’t get the shutter time I wanted, I think this is pretty successful.

Also, my children rock:

Both of these were attempts to use the knowledge I got yesterday.

Photo 99: ROCK! aka photo class results

I took a great DSLR bootcamp class today at the Chicago Photography Center and taught by Matthew Gregory Hollis.  That class was fantastic and I really enjoyed Matthew as a teacher.  I learned a lot, which hopefully will translate to better stuff for me to share here.  The photo above was the my favorite from today, but I’ve attached the two close second place entries for my favorite for today.

4 more years! 4 more years! er…wait. and Photo 94

(Yeah, I know, I used the title for this lame excuse for a joke three years ago.  Hopefully, again, its many many more than 4 more years.)

Today, Evan turns 4.  He has survived living with his older sister and his parents for 4 rotations around the sun, and equally, I think we survived living with him as he can be a crazy-man. He’s developed a great sense of humor and is very definitely his own person distinct from the rest of us.

As part of his birthday celebration, he becomes today’s photo of the day wearing the birthday crown his sister made and eating his chosen breakfast of coffeecake.

Here’s some bonus images from his birthday gathering yesterday, including that special time in a boys life which includes spending time with his robot and his dad.