All posts by Keith Garner

Photo 60: Epcot from the boardwalk

I took a ton of pictures today, but it was all after dark with no flash. I need to either get a better lens, or just get the whole dark photo think better than I have it right now. In any case, I love the purple on the Spaceship Earth. I did some post processing to emphasize it, I like how it turned out.

Bonus photo of the beer taps where I had dinner. I just didn’t want to make beer the showcase of another daily photo. I really lik the blurry dude in the background.

Photo 57: Ice skating in flight

Dinah was invited to an ice skating party by a classmate.  The classmate and her sister participate in ice skating competitions and each did their routine as part of the party.  This gave me a good excuse to play with the telephoto lense.  I’m not entirely happy with what I took of the skaters as the light caused the camera to kick back to ISO3200, so they are grainy as hell.  Today’s bonus photo is here because I couldn’t pass this up without showing a photo of Dinah her first time in ice skates.

Photo 54: Emergency Corona

This is the “Emergency Corona” that’s in my office nestled nicely in my collection of broken coffee mugs.  It’s been up on that top shelf for almost 3 years.  If you ever seen that bottom empty RUN.  It means three things 1) I’ve exhausted other sources of beer at/near work 2) The day is so shittastic that I’ll drink 3 year old warm beer 3) The day is so shittastic I drank Corona.

Today wasn’t even nearly bad enough for me to think about going towards it, but one day…one day… I live in fear.