All posts by Keith Garner

Not that there’s anything wrong with that

On Wednesdays I play sand volleyball at a bar with some friends in a coed rec league.  In general, people would not like the drunk people to break the nets, so they posted a sign.  Over time this sign has morphed into the following:


The bottom used to say “Hank Yo” which I liked better than just “Yo” as it seemed like some dude named Hank signed it.

I have such 5th grade humor.

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-13

  • This is bugging the shit out of me. Why does code I cut and paste into irb work, but it won’t worked in the script file. WTF! #
  • oh shit, its Domino’s IMAP server doing something that ruby’s Net::IMAP doesn’t expect. Notes is dumb, that’s un possible! #
  • Tomorrow morning i have a date with a sexy lady named wireshark! #
  • (also, while Procs are cool, sometimes your stack trace on an exceptoin looks like its coming from somewhere other than what kicked it off. #
  • @mattlavallee And she always helps out. Gotta love her. #
  • @zemote its like fast food pricing of soda #
  • New law: If you cannot handle being a member of a mailing list, do not try implementing an internet protocol yourself. #
  • @heather_norton public facing side of your personality? I would have done that had @tyr not already outed me! #
  • Tomorrow might be very interesting. #

Believe it or not, I’m walking on air.

american-hero-symbol.jpgI’ve always been a superhero geek, so its no suprised that when I was a kid I enjoyed watching The Greatest American Hero.  Much like another 80s tv show, Automan, I’m afraid to go back and watch the original episodes because I’m sure its radioactive craptonium, despite fondly remembering it and digging on the concept.

It looks like others want to revisit the concept as there is apparently a big screen adaptation coming.  I think its something you could have a lot of fun with if you approach it the right way.  Hopefully the story changes a bit from what’s mentioned in that rumor article, I’m not sure if I like another teacher being the big bad, but who knows.  I’ll just keep my fingers crossed it doesn’t become a turdfest.