Twitter Updates for 2008-01-15

  • The treadmill is here. Time to start actually using it. #
  • I did 1.5 miles in 25 minutes last night. Just starting out with walking. My legs were dead. I wanted to do 30 min, but 1.5mi seemed good #
  • @ddribin I’m starting with just fast walking. I peaked at about 3.6 mph last night. Being flat footed makes me scared of running. 🙂 #

4 thoughts on “Twitter Updates for 2008-01-15”

  1. If you’re dead after 25 on a treadmill, I don’t feel so bad anymore about letting myself go to hell after graduation. My first day on an elliptical (which I’ve heard suggested is higher-impact than a treadmill) I got through 20 minutes just fine. When I’ve slacked out of a routine gym schedule, getting back on that horse at 30 minutes has never been a problem.

  2. Looking at your queue, I will note for the second time in a week, Smokin’ Aces fucking ruled. Jeremy Piven is a damned fine bastard.

  3. I’m not dead afterwards. My legs are just stiff and achey the next day. I could probably go longer than 25, but I’m trying not to hurt/kill myself. Although, tonight I’ll probably bump up the incline.

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