Twitter Updates for 2008-01-29

  • On my way to Indianapolis to speak tomorrow morning. 3 hours of driving ahead of me. #
  • I’m thinking I’m the guy who wears sneakers with a polo and khakis. Should I not be that guy? #
  • @RickMunday nothing I can see, but sometimes I miss the obvious. #
  • It’s 11:36 local time in Vienna, just checking the hotel down in the exercise room and walking down the treadmill. #
  • Indiana, you silly Jott! #
  • @bkmcae GREEEAAAT. Guess what my first presentation/session is on today. 🙂 Guess I have a new slide. #
  • Code Monkey, get up, get coffee…give presentation? #
  • @maigrey I’m about to be in the same boat! #

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