- This is bugging the shit out of me. Why does code I cut and paste into irb work, but it won’t worked in the script file. WTF! #
- oh shit, its Domino’s IMAP server doing something that ruby’s Net::IMAP doesn’t expect. Notes is dumb, that’s un possible! #
- Tomorrow morning i have a date with a sexy lady named wireshark! #
- (also, while Procs are cool, sometimes your stack trace on an exceptoin looks like its coming from somewhere other than what kicked it off. #
- @mattlavallee And she always helps out. Gotta love her. #
- @zemote its like fast food pricing of soda #
- New law: If you cannot handle being a member of a mailing list, do not try implementing an internet protocol yourself. #
- @heather_norton public facing side of your personality? I would have done that had @tyr not already outed me! #
- Tomorrow might be very interesting. #
Keith's attempts to fix the cable of life