I forgot to post this yesterday…
But I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if a million voices were crying out prices and were suddenly silenced.
I forgot to post this yesterday…
But I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if a million voices were crying out prices and were suddenly silenced.
So, it looks like Fox is taking an axe to Drive. While I understand the ratings were not good, I did enjoy the show. However, this is two times that Fox has pulled the rug out from under you. I’ve enjoyed you in a number of shows, even on 2 Guys, a Girl, and something removed from the title I thought you were a likable actor who could mold into a number of roles.
After Firefly, after Drive…Â Please find a place on a show (and hey, work with Tim Minear again because that does seem to work) on a network not Fox.
Your results:
You are Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)
Honest and a defender of the innocent. You sometimes make mistakes in judgment but you are generally good and would protect your crew from harm. |
I had tagged someone’s homemade KillerBunnies case, but it seemed like it was beyond what was reasonable to do, and not reasonable in price. MARK did some web searching and Problem Solved for $13. More than enough room for the 600+ cards that we now have.
According to That Book: …of Perfectly Useless Information:
If you farted continously for 6 years and 9 months, enough wind would be produced to equal the energy of an atomic bomb.
I wanted to post this before the super bowl where we had planned to eat wings and drink beer and later produce wind energy. I figure that over time I must have created like 4 atomic bombs.
One of the guys who hangs out in #luni (Hawkins) has a little website project up called NearbyGamers. Its all web 2.0 with its tags (for what games you play) and its usage of Google maps. I think its a great idea and I’ve started putting stuff into it. Right now there aren’t many people near by, but I figured I’d put stuff in. You never know when a pickup game of some sort could break out.
I’m not quite sure how I ended up as Superman, especially since I think I’m lacking in strength. I see myself as more of the second two, especially if we’re talking Wally West as the flash. In any case, I’m sure being Superman will please my daughter. Dr. Doom I need to think about, I’m not sure how I feel about that.
You are Superman
You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. ![]() |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
You are Dr. Doom
Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity.![]() |
Everyone knows how to shuffle a deck of 52 cards, its pretty easy, even for those without the highest dexterity rating. Due to my recent fascination with Killer Bunnies. I’m starting to need to know how to shuffle a larger and larger sized deck. This is clearly a problem I need to solve as when I was playing on Christmas with Sarah and Tony we pulled many Dolla and many Play Immediately cards in a row. (Just so you know what size deck of cards we’re talking about, I received three expansion packs as a gift and bought 2 more. This brings our killer bunnies set up to 500 cards.)
Doing a quick web search for “how to shuffle a large deck of cards” has gotten me off to a good start. Wikipedia has an entry on shuffling that lists various techniques. I had already thought of what is know as a Pile shuffle, and that seems to be the best bet. Cool fact of the day is that Pile shuffling is the only legal form of shuffling in bridge. However, I think with 500 cards, we’ll need to do more than 4 piles. I really can’t think of anything better, and it should got the job done. It’ll at least insure that cards that were next to each other preshuffle (from the last game) aren’t next to each other anymore. I’m open to other ideas if anyone has any.
One useless search return was how to shuffle Tarot cards that are physically large, not many in number. I guess if I was playing with HUGE CARDS, that might be useful to me. There were also many links to algorithms for shuffling cards in your programming, but that’s not exactly what I need either.
Via TV Squad. This is brilliant.
We rule that since the Holographic bunny isn’t alive, it cannot be killed by a terrible misfortune.
So says Chris, Sarah, Jill, Mark, Melissa, and myself.