Category Archives: Omphaloskepsis

Omphaloskepsis is a word you won’t find in all dictionaries. It refers to the practice of meditating while contemplating one’s navel. Stolen from

Something that only excites a parent

One of the things that only excites a parent is the quality of a baby’s bowel movement. Especially when the bowel movement quality has returned to normal after a week.

This shouldn’t really be news to anyone, but its something that has been stuck in my head for about 13 hours. I think its to be noted when you’re excited enough to say out loud “hooray! Its normal poopy!” Of course, others would argue that I would say that long before Dinah was around.

Dinah development update

  • Thu Nov. 18: first tooth
  • Sun Nov. 20th: started crawling
  • Fri Nov. 26th: starting pulling herself up on stuff
  • Mon Nov. 29th: started sitting
  • Fri Dec. 3rd: 2nd tooth starting to push through
  • Sat Dec. 4th: Parents totally exhausted
  • Tues Dec 7th: 7 months old

It seems like she was really trying to cram a bunch of development right into a two week span. When Dinah started crawling, she went from one or two “steps” to across the room at high speed in about 2 or 3 days.

Its been pretty cool, but pretty exhausting as we’re baby proofing on the fly, or just chasing her around to keep her away from things she shouldn’t get into. The top things she loves to play with that she shouldn’t are lamp cords.

pre-Halloween photos

Sarah and I finally got around to taking some Halloween pictures of Dinah.

Yes, its not actually Halloween yet, but we wanted to have the pictures on Halloween (or just before) to show off and so the grandparents can do the same. We took these pictures out in our backyard. Ideally, I should have done it earlier in the day when the sun would have been more to the east, as the forest is west of us. However, they turned out great anyway. Also, she’s not sitting up on her own yet. The ones where it looks like she is, she’s either propped against something or Sarah moved her hand away as I snapped the picture in the scant seconds before she starts to fall over.

I’m a biased observer, as she is my kid, but damn she’s cute.

Busy time….

I’ve been kinda quiet the past few weeks, and I’ll be increasingly quiet the next few. We’ve hit the busy time of the year at work and it doesn’t help that I’ve been Mr. Perpetual-tiredness lately. Luckily, work’s busy time will be over on Nov. 8th. Then I’m on vacation for week.

I figure if I’m going to have this blog I should post at least once a week, so I’ll try to stick to that, but we’ll see what happens.

Identity Crisis

Sarah pointed me at the CNN/AP article titled The DC comics universe as tragedy. It talks about the current DC comics miniseries Identity Crisis and the controversy around it. It probably helps that its a best seller too.

Anyway, I’ve been reading Identity Crisis and I like it so far. It has however had a few things that shocked me that I’m still not sure exactly how I feel about them. However, I’m reserving some judgment until we see the end of the story.

Identity Crisis spoilers below….Also, I ramble a bit…
Continue reading Identity Crisis

Brodie (from Mallrats) was right!

From the Kevin Smith movie Mallrats:

Brodie: Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don’t hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent – I don’t care which one – but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator.

The guy who died at miller park after falling off the escalator was a man, not a child. However, Brodie’s advice still stands. This man did not fear and respect the escalator.

When my daughter is the correct age, she will be taught to fear and respect the escalator.