Category Archives: Tweets

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-21

  • @kafein Dont’t you think I know? #
  • happy 100 episodes to the Babylon podcast. #
  • "Not my wife, not my problem." #
  • I played vollyball like poo tonight. 9:30 games are either dead on or disasters, no middle ground. #
  • @maigrey Why must you include me on mail at 11pm? It makes me feel compelled to answer it. #
  • And the train conductor says take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break #
  • @trainmal I never look forward to a morning meeting. Oh, who am I kidding? s/morning// #
  • yep, I was right, 8:30 is too early for a meeting. At least they have coffee, sweet nectar of life. And @maigrey saved me a seat up front. #
  • I need a bumper sticker for my ass that reads ‘I’d rather be coding.’ Need more coffee to survive meeting. #
  • @ddribin hey look, the real @dbt is back! #
  • Thinking about putting the openID plugin into the CRT blog and offering that as a way to register to comment. Maybe require that, not sure. #
  • Lotus related things seemed to be named with irony. Example: QuickPlace #
  • @kafein That is a big problem. ‘Let’s fake out time in market.’ but its largely a process problem, not a tech one. #
  • I can tell how much I’m not engaged in a meeting by how quickly my iPhone battery drains. #
  • I like the speaker, but she’s slide reading. Argh #
  • @maigrey fark ’em all! #
  • it shouldn’t be a rare thing, but getting into a cab with a kick ass driver is awesome. He should already know the fastest route and tricks #
  • @bkmcae you were mentioned favorabley today. We might be sharing a stage soon. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-20

  • @maigrey Wh00h00, beer and games if you’re still there in a few months! Gotta snag the work tickets! 🙂 #
  • @ddribin re: your earlier spamassassin comments, upgrading to get around the flood from the weekend? #
  • @ddribin yeah, the past day or so has been evil. It’s making it through the greylisting. #
  • Hooray, a wind chill of down to -25. Winter is awesome. #
  • I should have thought ahead and worked from home. I need a commute-vacation, just not a full out vacation #
  • @ddribin Now you’re thinking the Keith Garner way. I should patent that. #
  • blah blah, meeting meeting. There are days when I wish I stayed "just a coder." #
  • Also, bleh on politics. #
  • @maigrey that’s a competition I am glad to lose #
  • shuffle on my iPhone is favoring Material Issue today. That’s not a bad thing. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-19

  • Its just getting harder and harder to get going in the morning. I thought it was supposed to get easier. #
  • Damn, its 1:30pm and I haven’t yet pissed anyone off. #
  • @mattlavallee as a great man once said: we don’t pee in your pool, so stop farking my wife! #
  • holy jeez, I’m at 175 SMS already this month. I blame @mattlavallee #
  • @mattlavallee yeah, but I only have 200 in my package. Time to up my package #
  • my work day is extending to soon e-mail on the train. I don’t mind coding, but this e-map shite needs to stop. #
  • to soon? What the hell was that? Just pretend that son wasn’t in that sentence. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-18

  • @hilarymarsh RSS feed, that’s one way i do it #
  • @ddribin Now you’re making me feel pretty lazy again. I’m at walk at 4mph for .75 mi, jog (6mph) for .5 mi, walk another .5. #
  • @ddribin I always tends to over push it…and i’m only doing it for a half mile. I should drop it to like 5 and go longer #
  • Way early to the doctor’s office. But I couldn’t think of something that to kill 25 min. Luckily, they took me early. Whee! #
  • Man, its windy as all fark out there #

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-17

  • @trainmal Welcome! #
  • @PhoenixREGuy I know only one beer/liqour store in Phoenix, but it rocks: Magnum’s. What did you get? I feel like a Duvel. #
  • I’m with my inlaws, so all that is available is Busch Light. I’ll just drink water, thanks. #
  • @mattlavallee good point. ‘Keith, do you want a beer?’ ‘Sure, as soon as we get some.’ #
  • people in the Chicago burbs, let me know if it starts to get evil up there. Right now we’re in Buckley, I’d rather not get stuck on the roa #
  • road! Argh, silly hahlo has an off by one bug. #
  • @trainmal I think ‘ho trains’ as an interest could be misinterpreted by some people. 🙂 #
  • Finding cable w/ internet service in Buckley, IL is almost impossible. #
  • @maigrey my bad #
  • @mattlavallee in-laws #

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-16

  • I hate the ‘let’s form a committee and talk to consultants and have a report in 4 weeks’ stategy on stuff we know we need to do yesterday #
  • if we already know what we should do, why the fark go through all that? Seems like a waste of everyone’s time and member cash. #
  • @tyr Nice shout out you got #
  • OH NOES! The car no longer talks to our iPods. I bet the MusicLink cable got disconnected. I have to open the dash, or take it in. #
  • you know, I don’t mind helping other people move, but its not tops on my list #

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-13

  • This is bugging the shit out of me. Why does code I cut and paste into irb work, but it won’t worked in the script file. WTF! #
  • oh shit, its Domino’s IMAP server doing something that ruby’s Net::IMAP doesn’t expect. Notes is dumb, that’s un possible! #
  • Tomorrow morning i have a date with a sexy lady named wireshark! #
  • (also, while Procs are cool, sometimes your stack trace on an exceptoin looks like its coming from somewhere other than what kicked it off. #
  • @mattlavallee And she always helps out. Gotta love her. #
  • @zemote its like fast food pricing of soda #
  • New law: If you cannot handle being a member of a mailing list, do not try implementing an internet protocol yourself. #
  • @heather_norton public facing side of your personality? I would have done that had @tyr not already outed me! #
  • Tomorrow might be very interesting. #