Category Archives: Tweets

Twitter Updates for 2008-02-01

  • I either need new tires or its really farking slippery out, or both. #
  • @bkmcae I agree. Most view all communications. We would they want to hear from members or *gasp* the public. #
  • @zemote I always feel not cool enough to go into a W. The one time I stayed at a W (in New Orleans) was a week of unworthiness. #
  • Man, my blog got hammered due to something mentioned on a radio show. Behold the power of Google. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-30

  • I think my nose just froze solid and fell off. Also, metra is having great difficulty with switched. #
  • Turns out that the Logitech Control Center installed something that broke 1) Growl and 2) SSHKeychain. Both are now back and happy. #
  • @maigrey less-than-three blackberry tethering! #
  • @maigrey At the hotel I was at last night a room was so close to the elevator that they shared a corner. People coming out both will crash #

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-29

  • On my way to Indianapolis to speak tomorrow morning. 3 hours of driving ahead of me. #
  • I’m thinking I’m the guy who wears sneakers with a polo and khakis. Should I not be that guy? #
  • @RickMunday nothing I can see, but sometimes I miss the obvious. #
  • It’s 11:36 local time in Vienna, just checking the hotel down in the exercise room and walking down the treadmill. #
  • Indiana, you silly Jott! #
  • @bkmcae GREEEAAAT. Guess what my first presentation/session is on today. 🙂 Guess I have a new slide. #
  • Code Monkey, get up, get coffee…give presentation? #
  • @maigrey I’m about to be in the same boat! #

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-28

  • At a kid’s party at a McD’s playland. It is insanity. Dinah is doing good for her first school-friend party. #
  • This is weird. Uninstalled APE (which I should have done pre-leopard) and upgraded logitech control center, now SSHKeychain crashes. #
  • Funniest comic book concept I’ve seen in a long time: #
  • @declan one of my guys keeps a whole wardrobe in his cube. Its pretty crazy. #
  • Okay, looks like the SSHKeychain thing is a known issue. APE must have been hiding it somehow. Now using @ddribin’s keychain locker. #