- Argh, the net seems to be having issues tonight. Or at least comcast’s corner of the net. #
- @maigrey solution: booze #
- Drive in to a meeting in North book, I remember why I’m glad I don’t commute by car. http://tinyurl.com/2zmkun #
- @maigrey is my hero. I knew she rocked before, but she’s the bizzomb. #
- @bkmcae I find myself doing it. It sucks. I feel like Kristin Wiig. #
- @maigrey only if I start to sound like that one-up character. Soooo. I posted to twitter too. Zoo I posted more than you soooio #
- big backup at the switch outside union station. Gotta live the snow I’d cold. But it could just be unit station. Coming in on wrong track #
- Amanda backing up to virtual tapes on disk seems to be a big win. #
- I can’t revive the server. I put Operation: No Desktop For The Near Future into play. All hail Linux. #
- 36-24-36… Maybe if she’s 5’3". #
- Looks like a power supply on the home server just up and died. Argh! That is hime of the important stuff like mp3s and backups! #
- my hard plastic namebadge from work is a great ice scraper if you don’t have one in your car. #
- @maigrey but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, IMHO #
- @ddribin How’s the foot doing? #
- @tyr Nope, wish I had some. I did that same dance this week, and found the info buried in a mail folder. #
- My legs are killing me. Guess the switch from inactivity is catching up to me. Thank God I have volleyball tonight. #
- @maigrey that is disturbing, especially given the volumes earlier today. #
- @maigrey you should not twit while drunk. They went public. Hey, Stephen is old, btw. #
- I’m raising a glass at Rock Bottom in honor of @maigrey #
- ack. Leopard’s iCal’s print dialog won’t let you select landscape printing. I have to Preview then print from there. PITA! #
- @maigrey its more my fault for using leopard before a .2 release.
- @jburslem I’ll probably be doing that tomorrow. I’ll have it only for testing, iWork has fit the rest of my office needs. #
- All-hands meeting. Such quarterly fun! #
Keith's attempts to fix the cable of life