Category Archives: Tweets

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-14

  • Okay, for the first time in years, I’m going to try another Linux distro. I’m installing Ubuntu on my desktop. #
  • Due to trying to preserve an existing LVM, no GUI install for me. BOO. However, the text install is awesome compared to what I’ve used b4 #
  • @ddribin Not that its an issue for you, but it also rocks hard and kid photos. I no longer feel bad about only having one in my wallet. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-11

  • @maigrey has seen the face of real estate and has not run away screaming. Now wait until she starts her new job! #
  • Hooray, the Internet connection at the hotel seems to be down. #
  • @maigrey no! That is for the weak! I must keep up my sick baby no sleep powers! #
  • Overheard: "35 years in the business and the last place I want to be is an NAR conference. They’re long, they’re boring, they are too rosey #
  • "web 2.0 has opened the Internet to 2 way communications" k-what?!? #
  • articles on real estate get as many clicks as Britney coming out of rehab according to Yahoo. #
  • information free-radicals by Mark in the panel. #
  • @bkmcae he cites Harold Innis all the time. (among others.) #
  • has others have already cited, mark mentioned the ‘cure’ of Technology anti-oxidents. #
  • @dbt as there us a downturn in the market I can see it. Its not a historical thing, but recent #
  • @mwurzer Shocking that a yahoo guy would say that. When we look at things like rss/syndication, I say portals won’t be as needed in future #
  • panel agrees there is too much focus on transaction and branding and not on the home. #
  • yahoo says brokers/agents need more tech talent. He basically suggested you need an IT and dev staff. #
  • Marty says 2008 will show vendor/tech innovation high, but we will have a market low #
  • whee RESO mention. #
  • I don’t know if you should say you want to be a ‘player’ in the facebook arena. That phrase does not mean what you think it means there. #
  • Mark says ‘monitizing Rock Band’ will happen before you will make money off Second Life. @maigrey ftw! #
  • Question is ‘what is the killer app for 2008 for the realtor® in the trenches. Marty says Video. #
  • Real estate is more popular than prom on On-Demand. I don’t know if I buy that. #
  • someone mentions open source and its not Lesswing, my mind asplode. She really means wisdom of crowds. #
  • @dbt but she many it in the dork way since she went on to mention wikipedia and some other things #
  • @dbt also, she did say software #

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-10

  • @dbt Dammit! Oh well, already transcoding at home for later iPhone viewing. #
  • @zemote Pretty good, how about yourself! I saw you on the public feed when I was bored yesterday. Sorry to hear about your aunt. #
  • Craigslist vs NY Times: FIGHT #
  • Craigs starts out by endorsing Obama ad then Colbert’s WristStrong movement. Awesome. I tend to avoid those jokes in this crowd. #
  • @bkmcae the listing standard that was mentioned was the RETS Schema. Kudos to @mwurzer for organizing it. Sadly that was mentioned. #
  • Craig is a total activist, I don’t think the room fully gets it. He’s like a more socially adjusted RMS. Not much more, but more. #
  • @zemote yeah, I realized it had been awhile since I saw you. Life is keeping me away from most in person things, so I’m list and IRC boy. #
  • We don’t really have any ads, so we really don’t track eyeballs. — Craig #
  • ‘the paper times is a treat, but the comics leave somthing to be desired’ — Craig #
  • Craig pimps OGO. Go Erik Gilling (a friend at OQO.) #
  • @bkmcae RMS is Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Federation. The personal behind the GPL. I’ve seen him a few times. #
  • "I’m the George Constanza of the web." — Craig #
  • "We have the advatage of few resources and no MBAs…" Craig is of my people. #
  • Wireless is flakey in this room, I keep dropping off EDGE. Twittering via SMS. I’m gonna burn through my monthly usage here. #
  • @zemote well, the site and list are there, but the core group all had kids and now are boring. (I was of the first to get old and boring,) #
  • @ddribin I’m "twittering the conference." I think someone here bit me and gave me super twitter powers to annoy. #
  • @zemote Have you cruised #
  • sitting with Mark at meet the leaders. As many people want total to me. LOL HAI I AM AT UR CONVERNCE, LEEDING UR INDUSTY! #
  • information free radicals will have a large impact on data consolidation. #
  • Mark lights a fire in the room by mentioning the gateway. "Is a gateway even needed?" FWOOSH. #
  • @mattlavallee also eneighborhoods. #
  • @mattlavallee preaches the word of the aggregators jumping on RETS that happened this morning. #
  • "Data sharing delays the inevitable." David says that its a stepping stone to consolidation. It doesn’t really bring new efficiencies. #
  • @mattlavallee goes for a jugular. #
  • @mattlavallee gets the expected non-answer. #
  • Front-end agnostic backend. Is FAB the new acronym? #
  • a giant elephant just walked into the room. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-09

  • To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s probems. #
  • the Mean Fiddler in Hell’s kitchen is like my 4tu or 5th home #
  • @maigrey Think TDS! #
  • @maigrey I have a Zillow keychain/bottle opener for you. #
  • My twitter login, now smaller and sexier for your convenience. #
  • @ddribin awesome, you accidently answered a question for me. Lesswing was wondering a good way to print envelope stuff on the mac for wife. #
  • @maigrey wrong answer! No tablet for you. #
  • In line for A Daily Show. #
  • damn! Didn’t make it in. 12 people too many in line. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-08

  • Egg roll and diet coke, the breakfast of champions. #
  • Talking to boss this I realized that our new head of IT is someone I like, respect, and will work with us as a team. My mind asplode. #
  • @dbt editing it down to 140 while talking really butchered it. #
  • @maigrey something like that. Its just one of those ‘holy poop, its really happening’ moments. #
  • Gotta love a bar that has Lucifier, Ommegang Witte, Delirium Tremens, Lindenmans Framboise (and more) on top. I <3 New York. #
  • CTO and I are discussing Information Free Radicals vs Technology Anti-Oxidents, also beer. #
  • @ddribin everyone really wants a static ip. Also a pony. #