Category Archives: Tweets

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-19

  • ptrdiff_t? Holy crap, why didn’t anyone tell me this exists? There must be some flaw in using it. #
  • okay, my reading says ptrdiff_t should be 32-bit on 32-bit systems and 64-bit on 64-bit. I’m trying to confirm this #
  • Further reading makes it seem like I really want uintptr_t. Gah! #
  • @ddribin yeah…but if you need to do pointer math and are dealing with some funky ODBC quirks… #
  • @tyr everything around there is just as expensive. However, we should food and beer in NYC. My Daily Show plans were ruined by strike! #
  • @ddribin Oh, in rereading, I see what you were saying. I was just confirming that the ptrdiff and uintptr were actually defined somewhere. #
  • Has anyone noticed, I like (good) beer? Blame Jon Roma. #
  • I’m so tired of helping desperate, flailing, knowledgeless people. I wonder how the BIG project people deal with it. #
  • @maigrey we drink so much we end up drinking a log? Okay, we do. #
  • argh, 20% reduction #

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-14

  • @wilw The episode with the Doctor and Rose from series 1 of the new series gives you great background, and Dalek ass kicking. #
  • due to work party I’m not taking my laptop in to work. I feel naked! #
  • @maigrey oh yeah, that’s why this is possible. I just keep feeling like I’m missing something on the train. Like an arm. #
  • @maigrey is it catching? #
  • pablo is teh s uck #