Category Archives: Tweets

Twitter Updates for 2007-11-16

  • @ddribin and they were from IP address like 300.533.444.1 #
  • <— my heros. I was afraid I was gonna have to give up RandomExtra #
  • @ddribin You also reminded me I should download that off the tivo for my flight. #
  • what is it about vegas that encourages cleavage? #
  • Sweet. The talk that Mac McMillan and I did on security yesterday made the front page of the show daily. #
  • Manning the NAR booth. Never a lot of traffic on the last day of the convention. #
  • @jswesey see my lounge quote on twitter from an accidental bloggers’ lounge visitor. #
  • At the airport, on standby for an earlier flight that is now delayed almost to my original. #
  • @maigrey beer beer beer tiddeley beer beer beer #
  • I have Justin Timberlake’s sexyback stuck in my head. I need to find a common adjective to bring back. #

Twitter Updates for 2007-11-15

  • Whew….Finally sitting down. I think I’ll write a blog post for CRT. #
  • @RickMunday Center for Realtor Technology My dept #
  • post posted…now its time to forage for beer and food. #
  • Hooray for 100 oz cylinders of beer. Both in vegas and at home. #
  • I just left the Venetian for the first time since I got here. Ahhh, the world still exists. #
  • @ddribin You are my QuickLook hero of the day. 🙂 #
  • According to my sources around NAR: "28,350 attendees in Las Vegas" Which is a new record for attendance. #
  • @RickMunday Just buy a mac mini, save yourself the headache. #
  • Why does every computer problem seem to need at least 3 people to fix it. #
  • "What’s blogging? She wants to drink! We thought this was a drinking lounge!" #

Twitter Updates for 2007-11-14

  • Sweet, my ruby app to download shows from the TiVo via its TiVo2Go interface is done. Now its time for other eyeballs. #
  • hooray for drinks with Travis. #
  • Ack…a laptop has gone walking. Luckily it isn’t mine. #
  • The sad part, it was from a locked room. And we’re in a casino… Cameras cameras everywhere. #
  • This is my heaviest day at the show. Busy busy busy. I have been going since 9:30. #

Twitter Updates for 2007-11-13

  • @tyr Its nothing yet, but it is disconcerting the doc at home wants a reading and me to get back to them. Its gonna kill my roxk star l … #
  • So many people to talk to. I’m not sure if my feet or mouth will give out. #
  • @ddribin I just want a single window from an app to be omnipresent. #
  • There will be a real estate blogger wedding. See Greg Swann for details. #
  • @maigrey fear the HR man #
  • "Family is no longer in family in monopoly." #
  • @maigrey I’m still here. Off on a doctor hunt this morning. #
  • the first aid station at the conference hooked me up. First crisis averted. #
  • @maigrey I just couldn’t get to it when it was open yesterday. #
  • @RickMunday I’ve worked at places like that. Scary. #
  • @dbt the NAR lunch brain trust says "no, because you’re getting more of the badder." #
  • @RickMunday you gotta point me at that, cuz I’m stuck at ‘another flavor of messenging. Which isn’t a bad thing. #
  • Whoa, I’m pulling a @tyr as I have a presentation tomorrow morning that I haven’t finished. Luckily its a subset of talks I’ve done before. #
  • new law: you get punched in the face for saying "<any noun> 2.0" It doesn’t make you sound any hipper or smarter, just makes you … #
  • back to the room to video conference home and to work on a presentation #

Twitter Updates for 2007-11-12

  • mmmmMMMMmmm Portillo’s! #
  • @dbt EVERYONE has been sick on and off at our place. #
  • I just noticed @tyr outted my twitter address to the real estate world. Hi NAR related folks. #
  • Remind me that next time I think ‘hey, an 8am flight sounds good’ that the ride to the airport suggests a 5:45 pick up time: #
  • hooray. On the ground taxing. #
  • I am having a DAY. Anyone know where to get your blood pressure checked in vegas. I’m not joking. #
  • @maigrey Thanks. I forgot you ran in circles that would know that. I need just a BP reading. Long story I’ll blog about later #
  • med center near planet Hollywood that is 24 he’s a day, I will check them when I can. #