- @ddribin thanks for the gem, you’re keeping me sane today #
- Hooray for the status-quo! Let’s not forge new ground, let’s just do what everyone else is doing! #
- @mattlavallee Do you have to vomit? #
- @mattlavallee Are you sure you weren’t in the meeting I was just in? #
- @dbt I love it when a plan comes together #
- blargle #
- NAR members reading this…how do you want NAR to communicate with you? Just curious #
- @JimDuncan Right back atcha! #
- @ddribin I thought you stopped working on RETS #
- lords of kobol, please let the week end on a high note so I may fully enjoy vacation #
- reports coming in of Evan walking. More on this as the child developes. #
- @recursive because nothing popular can ever be good? #
- Tue station is full and we’ll be coming in onba different track." its the same train schedule every day, how does this happen? #
- @jswesey When used well, I call those categories. #
- sometimes I get very fustrated by the only approved things being > 20 years old. #
- Just saw Hal Sparks at the Improv. He was great, i needed a good laugh #
- @ddribin Wow, but I guess its not like you can get the crab meat locally. Baby formula is our single item $40 hit usually. #
- @ddribin and @nrd: FEAR ME! I have had in-n-out today! Your Chicago burger will not be as good! #
- @jburslem I have been in mad live with the harmony’s for 2 years. I replaced all remotes I had, my inlaws can now use our stuff. #
- blarg #
- @RickMunday Thank God I MotherFark Farkers? #
- I stayed up until past midnght local time, but my body still woke me up on cnetral time. Too damn early. #
- @heather_norton you’re just copying your boss #
- @heather_norton Your healthy lunch habits. You share them with your boss. Although, he’s more of a cheetos or goldfish man. #
- Man, I don’t know if a "firmware" upgrade for a phone should be 162MB. Updating the wife’s phone #
- vacation. I needz one #
- Luckily, I only have a week and a half to go. But its at dis knee so it may not be that restful. #
- argh, wireless broken at the Honda dealer. Slowing me down a bit. #
- I see your cutepdf and raise you a PDFCreator. http://www.pdfforge.org/products/pdfcreator #
- @heather_norton Did you see how it sets itself up a printer driver in windows? You can use word all you want. #
- @heather_norton Looking into it, both use ghostscript as a backend, so I call them functionally equivalent, one is just free as in libre #
- Even if you like using word or need mentoring http://theopendisc.com/ is very useful. #
- @trainmal The 70s are alive again in this 6 cd collection? #
- Man, when I’m working at home, and I take a lunch treadmill break, I need to factor in a post-lunch-treadmill-break nap #
- I think I’ll start using dopplr… Now I just need to know more people using it. #
- @trainmal Shocking! #
- man, I need to make sure to travel enough this year to keep premier. Breezing through security is huge. #
- @mattlavallee that’s like don’t buy the first house you like #
- Not sucking: The Sarah Connor Chronicals. That is all. #
- Sometimes I wonder if people think they work at the NSA or they are curing cancer or something. Get off the high horse. #
- unless of course you are curing cancer or work at the NSA. Then I salute you! #
- @bkmcae Thank you for existing. #
- Looks like I get my day of hooky. #
- Luckily, Dinah’s impetigo was very mild. Poor girl. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impetigo #
- The upgrade to dovecot 1.1 had a few hidden gotchas. mostly they were around configuring expire and the moving of the static uids setting #
- @ddribin Better full text search, and the expire plugin. In the shared server setting up trash to autoexpire is huge. #
- @jburslem Not sure about games, as I’ve been somewhat ignoring the whole thing, but PS3 plays Blu-Ray. Xbox is stuck with dead HD-DVD #
- Telemuting…what a concept! #
- @maigrey you deserve them after this week. (not that I’m involved, just saying…) #
- @kafein I was tempted, but I want multiple cores in my next box. #
- I have not gotten nearly tipsy enough for my linking the past two day. #
Keith's attempts to fix the cable of life