Dave Dribin once again rocks
Dave is having a rocking week. He started with the 1.0 version of his QLEncript plugin to get QuickLook to show color syntax highlighted code files. Here’s a quick screenshot of it in action on my laptop.
Today, to continue his rocking, Dave posted on Leopard’s ssh, ssh-agent, keychain interaction and ways to make it a bit more secure. I was confused about this and he took the time to figure out. I think, though, I will probably stick with using SSHKeychain for now.
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-28
- @tyr you need to get yourself better dreams. #
- MARK NOTARUS is my hero for finding a post that fixes an X bug too on Leopard. http://anders.com/cms/241/Wireshark/MacPorts #
- I should amend that to my second hero of the day. @ddribin is still my first hero of the day. #
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-27
- first day back in the office since last Tuesday. Also first day on BP meds. Should be a fun day. #
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-24
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-23
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-21
- The day before Thanksgiving is a good server patch day #
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-20
- The teething is evil EVIL. #
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-16
- @ddribin and they were from IP address like 300.533.444.1 #
- http://tinyurl.com/2gtz4k <— my heros. I was afraid I was gonna have to give up RandomExtra #
- @ddribin You also reminded me I should download that off the tivo for my flight. #
- what is it about vegas that encourages cleavage? #
- Sweet. The talk that Mac McMillan and I did on security yesterday made the front page of the show daily. #
- Manning the NAR booth. Never a lot of traffic on the last day of the convention. #
- @jswesey see my lounge quote on twitter from an accidental bloggers’ lounge visitor. #
- At the airport, on standby for an earlier flight that is now delayed almost to my original. #
- @maigrey beer beer beer tiddeley beer beer beer #
- I have Justin Timberlake’s sexyback stuck in my head. I need to find a common adjective to bring back. #
Twitter Updates for 2007-11-15
- Whew….Finally sitting down. I think I’ll write a blog post for CRT. #
- @RickMunday Center for Realtor Technology http://realtor.org/crt My dept #
- post posted…now its time to forage for beer and food. #
- Hooray for 100 oz cylinders of beer. Both in vegas and at home. #
- I just left the Venetian for the first time since I got here. Ahhh, the world still exists. #
- @ddribin You are my QuickLook hero of the day. 🙂 #
- According to my sources around NAR: "28,350 attendees in Las Vegas" Which is a new record for attendance. #
- @RickMunday Just buy a mac mini, save yourself the headache. #
- Why does every computer problem seem to need at least 3 people to fix it. #
- "What’s blogging? She wants to drink! We thought this was a drinking lounge!" #